
COVID-19 Safeguarding

Following the outbreak of novel Coronavirus, BEAM Fieldwork has been taking enhanced measures to helpprotect our Respondents and Staff (both in the office and in the field).

We are monitoring the situation closely and we continue to follow advice from the World Health Organisation and Public Health England, as well as that of government, including following the COBRA meeting on Monday 2nd March.

Everyone should note that the main message from Public Health England is on personal hygiene, therefore Respondents and all Staff are also being encouraged to maintain good hand, respiratory and personal hygiene by employing the “catch it, bin it, kill it” ethos.

Fieldwork staff are being briefed inline with Government recommendations and an additional allowance for hand sanitizer/soap has been introduced to make it easier for them to clean their hands.

All Respondents are Fieldwork staff are required to read, complete and submit the questions in the document below prior to their market research group/shift in the field.


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or give us a call on 0161 850 9864