Coming back to work in January can be tough.
Forgotten how to do your job, list of stuff to do as long as your arm, still thinking about Celebrations for breakfast. But at BEAM, we like to see January as an opportunity to get our ducks in a row.
Working in an industry where time is so critical, it’s incredibly easy to get swept along with the day-to-day of getting the job done and deprioritise strategic thinking. BEAM are determined to make 2025 the biggest and best year yet, and that doesn’t come without some time for reflection and some strategic machinations!

First port of call was understanding what had gone well and not so well in 2024. This allows us to focus on areas of improvement, and channel energy into strengthening our teams and service. It’s also about ensuring that we are living out our values and that we are meeting our client’s expectations.
Next, we spent some time building a vision of what BEAM will look like in the coming years. You can’t build a road map if you don’t know where you are going. It’s pleasure to stop and dream a little, especially with the encouragement of seeing how far BEAM has come in the last few years. We aim to continue that growth, and some!
Finally, we spent time considering the most important element of BEAM – our clients. We are proud of the partnerships we have formed with some incredible agencies and brands alike and wanted to pay extra attention to the relationships we have grown and established. We will be having annual review meetings with our most valued clients in the next few weeks to ensure that we have the chance to review and plan together and deliver the best work we can going into 2025.
The most exciting part of this process will be sharing our plans with the BEAM Team in February, where we will be spending a full day talking strategy and plans for 2025. It’s not just about working together but building together. There is nothing more valuable to us than working on our strengths and weaknesses together to bring the future vision of BEAM to life.
Wishing you all the best for 2025,
Amy, Kay and G