
Project Minted

In this study, we were looking into financial planning amongst high-net-worth individuals. This project involved utilising our specialised network of recruiters and communities to find the perfect respondents, as well as planning and executing the research itself.

Our goals centred on analysing and studying the ways in which high-net-worth individuals manage, approach and view their finances and financial planning.

Obviously, a more enticing incentive is required with more well-off participants, so we made the research as simple and convenient as possible with in-home depth interviews, and a luxury meal at an exclusive London venue follow-up.

The challenge of this research was always going to be finding the perfect participants. We used high-net-worth networks combined with specialist recruiters to help find the perfect respondents.

We perform a wide array of high-net-worth research for specific target audiences, including luxury brands, cars and real estate. However, we absolutely cover both ends of the spectrum, with plenty of work with vulnerable audiences as well.

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