
Recruiting for Research

Our determination to find you the right respondents, means we go the extra mile to fulfil even the trickiest of recruitment specs.

If your audience exists, we’ll find them. Armed with our in-house participant panel, our 20-strong, fully accredited in-house team, or our partners spanning the every continent, we’re agile and accurate with our recruitment, persistently engaging with on-going participant panels and determined to deliver unparalleled recruitment every time.

Give Opinions

With an established database of almost 20,000 registered respondents across the UK and a growing across the globe , Give Opinions takes care of getting the right bums on your research seats.

Once a market research recruitment agency in its own right, Give Opinions is now positioned as the trading brand of BEAM Fieldwork for participant recruitment. Give Opinions provides recruitment services for BEAM Fieldwork (and research agencies) requiring a responsive and proactive participant recruitment partner and placed over 3500 respondents across UK and international research projects in 2022 alone.

Find out more about Give Opinions

RAS Recruiter Accreditation

Since 2021, our BEAM project team members and our Give Opinions team who actively recruit as part of their role have been required to achieve their RAS Accreditation certification as part of their company induction.

The training and achievement of this industry-led certification provides a recruitment quality guarantee to our current and prospective clients, setting us apart from our competitors. And we’re gaining recognition for our recruitment excellence through our recent nomination in the Recruitment Excellence category in the 2023 MRS Oppies awards.

Find out more about RAS Accreditation

External Recruitment Partnerships

Our determination to find you the right respondents, means we specialise in going the extra mile to fulfil the trickiest of recruitment specs. We have long-standing relationships with recruitment partners across the globe built on trust, responsible operating and delivery of quality in line with our service level agreement. 

As a RAS Accredited Company, it’s vital we maintain the highest level of quality. In the UK, we endeavour to work with other RAS Accredited Recruiters. For international projects, we align with recruiters and fieldwork partners carrying the Esomar certification.

Rigorous QC, alignment to our company values and chemistry with our external partners, doesn’t stop after our onboarding process. We continue to temperature check, evaluate and benchmark all our partnerships to ensure we’re ALWAYS working with the ‘best in the business’.

Hard to Reach

The sensitive and personal nature of some research determines how we recruit and collect data. We ensure genuine empathy is built from first contact and have developed compassionate, innovative principles that provide a framework for recruitment.


Recruitment and contact consistently delivered by the same project team to establish and maintain human connection and build trust.


We take our time to develop a deeper knowledge around each participant’s experience working beyond the screener to establish meaningful connections and gain more revealing insights.


Ensuring vulnerable respondents always feel comfortable and in control allows them to share their views and experiences without fear. We always offer chaperone attendance and offer tech support. We can’t wait to have a natter with them after we’ve helped them online.

Influence is Everything

Who said influencer outreach sits with the marketing and advertising team? We can create supercharged insights straight to your DMs.


We can connect you directly with influencers to REALLY get to know your customers and what makes them ‘TikTok’.


Engaging with influencers during the research process ensures increased engagement when you take your product service or brand to market.

Authentic Appeal:

Generate credibility that counts. Start your journey with match-made influencers. to create outputs your audience believe in, and the influencer can really hang a #hashtag on.


Working with influencers can help to connect the dots, optimising the planning, strategy and effectiveness of your brand, product or service, ahead of them accelerating your sales.


Let BEAM Fieldwork support your research project. Fill in the contact form below
or give us a call on 0161 850 9864